* ICISS 2019 conference proceedings
has been archived in
ACM Digital Library, and
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Opening Ceremony + Keynote Speeches
In the morning of March 17, Prof. Harumi Watanabe of Tokai
University, Japan gave the opening remarks. Afterwards, four keynote speakers delivered wonderful speeches.
They are:
Prof. Girija Chetty University of Canberra, Australia |
Prof. Guo Song, IEEE Fellow The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong |
Prof. Dong Hwa Kim Hanbat National University, South Korea |
Prof. Harumi Watanabe Tokai University, Japan |
Best Oral Presentation Award
8 best oral presentation winners had been selected from 8 author
Session 1- IS022 |
Speech Title: Expanding the feature space of deep neural
networks for sentiment classification Presenter: Mate Kovacs, Ritsumeikan University, Japan |
Session 2- IS111 |
Speech Title: 3D L-System Pathfinding with Genetic Algorithm Presenter: Djuned Fernando Djusdek, Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan |
Session 3- IS031 |
Speech Title: Latent variable-based multiple instance learning towards label-free polarity detection Presenter: Mate Kovacs, Ritsumeikan University, Japan |
Session 4- IS041 |
Speech Title: Prevention of SQL Injection Attacks to Login Page of a Website Application using Prepared Statement Technique Presenter: Reynaldo E. Castillo, Technological Institute of the Philippines, Philippines |
Session 5- IS091 |
Speech Title: Satisfaction Experiment on i-Exercise Developing for Assisting Orthopedics Patients Presenter: Sunton Wongsiri, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand |
Session 6- IS051 |
Speech Title: An Agent Based Framework for Healthcare Teamwork Presenter: Craig E. Kuziemsky, University of Ottawa, Canada |
Session 7- IS009 |
Speech Title: A Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access based Relaying Scheme for Cellular Two-Way Relay Networks Presenter: Zhaoxi Fang, Zhejiang Wanli University, China |
Session 8- IS059 |
Speech Title: A branch-and-cut algorithm framework for the integrated aircraft hangar maintenance scheduling and staffing problem Presenter: Yichen Qin, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong |