* ICISS 2020 conference proceedings
has been archived in
ACM Digital Library, and indexed by
Ei Compendex and
The health and safety of our participants is our first priority. Following the advice and guidelines from healthcare officials and local authorities, ICISS
2020 had to be held virtually due to COVID-19. With everyone's
support and efforts, ICISS 2020 was successfully held online.
Keynote Speeches & Invited Speech
Thanks for our keynote speakers and invited speaker to share with us their
research works and precious experience. They are:
Prof. Graziano Chesi, IEEE Fellow The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong |
Prof. Alexander Balinsky
Cardiff University, UK |
Prof. Farid Meziane University of Salford, UK |
Prof. Xiaodong Liu
Edinburgh Napier University, UK |
Best Oral Presentation Award
Author’s presentations are divided into 6 online sessions, and 7 best oral presentation winners had been selected from
these sessions.
Session 1- W1031 |
Speech Title: Development of portable air quality index
(AQI) and emergency vehicles preemption prototype based
on Internet of Mobile Things (IoMT) Presenter: Rafidah Md Noor, University of Malaya, Malaysia |
Session 2- W1096 & W1081 |
Speech Title: A Novel Feature Selection Method
using an Enhanced Bacterial Foraging Optimization
Algorithm guided by Decision Tree Classifier for
Intrusion Detection (EBFOADT) Presenter: Raouia Elnagger, University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediane, Algeria and University of Lyon, France Speech Title: On Possible Electromagnetic Precursors to a Significant Earthquake (Mw = 7.0) Occurred in JiuZhaiGou (China) on 8 August 2017 Presenter: Zhicheng Qiu, Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School, China |
Session 3- W1037 |
Speech Title: A Novel Optimized Design of Energy
Efficient Lights for Producing Uniform Illumination by
Harnessing Photoluminescent Properties of ‘Strontium
Aluminate’ Presenter: Vijay A. Kanade, Intellectual Property Research, India |
Session 4- W1022 |
Speech Title: A pedestrian path-planning model in
accordance with obstacle’s danger with reinforcement
learning Presenter: Thanh-Trung Trinh, Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan |
Session 5- W1016 |
Speech Title: An Enhanced Two-factor Authentication
Protocol for V2V Communication in VANETs Presenter: Ismail Ahmedy, University of Malaya, Malaysia |
Session 6- W1095 |
Speech Title: Ontology of crop pest control Presenter: Kolyo Onkov, Agricultural University, Bulgaria |